Creating value by transforming food waste

Our transformation process can be used by all catering and food distribution companies, as well as by the food industry. Ideal for all Green Public Procurement (GPP) contracts and for the implementation of «Zero Waste» policies.

Catering and hospitality

Our devices are designed and built to treat all organic waste: meat, fish, bones, bread, pasta, rice, fruit and vegetables, eggs, shells and crustaceans, and coffee grounds.

Public – private

At the end of each drying cycle, the EFR devices return a dry solid residue equal to 10-15% of the initial waste added to the device. An exposure to a temperature of 130°C for over 90 minutes guarantees the total sterilization of the final residue.

Naval sector

With EFR, all organic waste can be reduced with a cycle that lasts about 10-12 hours. A "plug & play" technology, easy to use, does not require any chemical additives, water, or any special attention for the loaded waste mix.

Agri-food sector

With EFR, all organic waste can be reduced with a cycle that lasts about 10-12 hours. A "plug & play" technology, easy to use, does not require any chemical additives, water, or any special attention for the loaded waste mix.

The advantages of EcoSwiss

Environmental benefits

  • Respecting the modern "Zero Waste" and "Circular Economy" policies
  • Reducing the frequency of extraordinary organic waste collection by up to 80%, with fewer emissions from transportation
  • Reducing up to 98% of the CO2 impact for each kg of organic material treated, compared to traditional waste management
  • Obtaining a dry, sterile residue that remains stable over time
  • Obtaining a high-quality organic material, compliant with circular economy principles and with the uses permitted by the applicable law

Economic and logistic benefits

  • Obtaining a residue up to 80% lower in both weight and volume
  • Reducing the of costs of adapting to HACCP protocols 
  • Drastically reducing the use of biodegradable-compostable bags
  • Reducing the cost of the personnel involved in handling waste inside and outside the structure 
  • Reducing the spaces dedicated to storage (e.g., refrigerated areas) and the related maintenance costs 
  • Reducing the cleaning and sanitizing costs of containers, storage, and collection areas 
  • Using a remote function control system that identifies quantities, geolocates them and organizes collection more efficiently

Work environment benefits

  • Eliminating all pathogens, bacteria, and leachates 
  • Eliminating noxious odors 
  • Improving hygienic conditions for employees and for any personnel dealing with the storage and collection service

Discover the benefits that EcoSwiss can offer your company

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