EcoSwiss for collective caterings

The ingredient preparation activity is managed within the structure, from which the ready meals leave for their respective canteens. At the end of the service, the organic waste, mainly represented by food of both vegetable and animal origin, is stored and transported to the kitchen center for disposal.

All the waste thus produced, deriving both from the preparation of the meals and from the meals distributed, undergoes a first treatment (hydraulic centrifuge) inside the cleaning area, the purpose of which is to reduce its size.

The treated residue is then stored in special bins intended for the disposal of organic waste.

In order to avoid the risk of bacterial proliferation due to unsanitary conditions, noxious odors, and an increase in the risk of accidents due to the lifting of heavy loads, the waste is subsequently loaded into the EcoSwiss EFR device for its definitive reduction in weight and volume through drying.

Type of organic waste: pasta, rice, bread, vegetables, and fruit; occasionally rind/fat from preparing ham

Preparation activity: 3,000-3,500 meals/day
Average daily quantity of organic waste produced: 80-90 kg, of which 20-25 kg deriving from the preparation activities and 60-65 kg coming from the structures served

Wet-organic waste collection service

The collection is managed by a private company in agreement with the municipality to which the structure belongs.
Collection is scheduled bi-weekly.

The bins were often worn, not completely intact (broken lids) and poorly cleaned, with several dry leachate traces. There were complaints of noxious odors and an unseemly look. Frequent cleaning and washing were necessary, with a significant amount of work hours and staff required.


  • Eliminating bad odors from the waste collection and storage area (refrigerated cell)
  • Reducing the presence of wild animals (mice, cats, and birds) that nest near waste containers in the days between the bi-weekly organic waste collection
  • Reducing the frequent washing and sanitizing of the bins intended to collect wet waste
  • Reducing the use of biodegradable-compostable bags, subject to breakage and percolation (significant cost)
  • Reducing extra rat extermination costs due to the presence of rodents
  • Finding a sustainable solution in line with the Group's "Green" policy, which promotes eco-sustainable structures with low CO2 impact. This has led the company to create an energetically self-sufficient structure thanks to the installation of last generation photovoltaic panels, in accordance with the latest European directives on the subject of “zero CO2 emissions”.

Adopted solution

Purchase and use of a EFR100 EcoSwiss device to manage all the wet organic waste produced daily by the facility.

EFR installed in an outdoor area adjacent to the cleaning area, protected by a simple rain awning. The device improves its performance if installed outdoors, allowing for the optimal activity of the condensing group. The small amount of condensed water produced is disposed of on the ground.

Discover the benefits and savings

Pre-crushed organic waste to be loaded (loading view, cycle view, end-of-cycle view)

View of the tank during the unloading phase of the final dry residue and view of the tank at the end of the unloading process

Internal view of the tank during the unloading of the final residue

Vista interna vasca durante lo scarico del residuo finale

The resulting dry solid residue is partly used as a mixed soil conditioner for the green areas inside the structure.

Eco-sustainable solution aimed at pursuing the reduction of CO2 emissions.

The EFR device is equipped with dedicated electronics for remote start-up and management and data acquisition on operation/use/diagnostics in accordance with the Transition 4.0 (Industry 4.0) model and offers the tax breaks provided for by the law.

Quantifiable benefits and economic savings

  • Total elimination of noxious odors in the rooms adjacent to the kitchen and external storage area for separate waste collection bins (100%). Unquantifiable value with great impact/image
  • Reduction of personnel costs to clean, recondition and sanitize the external waste collection area and bins (about 80%). Value equal to €3,500
  • Improvement of the decorum and general cleanliness of the external area surrounding the kitchen. Unquantifiable value with great impact/image
  • Elimination of air conditioning in the organic waste storage room (100%). Value equal to €500 + any annual intervention/maintenance costs (min. €200)
  • Elimination of external rat extermination costs (100%). Value €1,400
  • Reduction of waste bags used (about 50%). Value €2,300
  • Use (at least partial) of the solid residue obtained to replace chemical fertilizers for the large green areas and plants that adorn the gardens of the structure. Unquantifiable amount with great value and eco-sustainable impact
  • Petition presented to the municipality for a possible reduction of the TARI (waste disposal tax) (currently not recognized). Future value of over € 6-7,000/year accounting for a 20-30% discount

Total quantifiable economic savings

Current scenario: about €7,700/year – without TARI reduction + 50% return on investment with Industry 4.0
Future scenario (in the event of recognition of the 20-30% TARI discount): a further saving of around €3,000/year


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